Monday, June 15, 2009


Last week Spencer crashed really hard on his bike and got a fat lip and two loose teeth. As soon as he crashed he cried, I picked him up and brought him in the house leaving his bike in the road. I had to push a couple teeth back up, I hope they don't turn grey! He looked pretty beat up, but was really tough about it. Arden and Alexis doted on him hand and food and make him feel like a king.
The next day I went out to clear off the front porch and saw his bike, a neighbor had brought it to the porch right after Spencer's wreck. I couldn't believe it, the seat was broken off. Somehow my little Spencer in all of his tricks and wheelies and stunts had rode that bike literally to its death. The tires are almost bare and the handle bars are croocked. The sad thing is that I bought this bike for $30 at Wal Mart two years ago and a new seat at Wal Mart will cost me $20 to fix it. How funny is that?
Stay tunned for "New Bike Pics"


Stevens Family said...

Ouch, it must be the Stevens in him!

Natalie said...

What great big sisters! His lip looked so painful!

Kristen said...

Poor little man! That looks sooo bad! I hope his teeth are OK. I was amazed at how quickly Reid's lip healed when he did that a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure he's excited about getting a new bike at least! =)

April Joy said...

Awww! Poor thing! When I crashed on my mtn. bike my two front teeth got knocked out too... we shoved them back in and they never turned grey! I did have to get a root canal in one of them though because of it... but that one never turned grey either even though they told me it would if I didn't cap it! Hope the little guy feels better and is back riding soon!