Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Emerge Victorious" -President Monson-

I wrote down some quotes from Conference and put them all over my new buletin board that Amber Rhoton helped me make. I love reading them while I'm sitting here at the computer, plus a couple people have asked about them so here they are.

"Our choices determine our Eternal Destiny"

"Turn our homes into Holy Temples...Only the Home can compare with Temples in sacredship"

"Give the horse the reins"

"In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world"

"The future is as bright as your faith"

"The Lord will shape the back to fit the burden"

"Build you Eternal Mansion"

"Make our home a refuge, where the children feel safe and the spirit can alway dwell"

At the Temples we literally become Saviors on this Earth"

"Give our lives to the work of the Lord"

"We are born with the natural capacity to choose between right and wrong through the Light of Christ"

"Temples are houses built unto my name, armed with POWER"

If anyone has more quotes you should blog them. Conference was so great!

1 comment:

Bonnie and Kent and sons said...

Aloha again,

Please include yourselves on our family blog. I think I went to your other by mistake. It is great too! The kids are precious. I asked Marilyn for family blogs long ago but we must have miscommunicated. We are I hope you will include yourselves so I don't feel like I am talking to the paper wall. We have our vacation suite all ready for your visit to Hawaii!

Love, Bonnie and Kent in Hawaii.